Steamers Reviews

“Dr. M’s ‘Steamers®‘ are a delight. Not only are these unique stories educational and informative, each one is totally engaging and entertaining. It is a creative and imaginative series designed to inspire young readers to think creatively about many, varied issues facing humankind in our current world. The stories are up-to-the-minute! The series cleverly appeals to both young and adult readers. The success and appeal of the stories stem from the colourful, appealing illustrations as well as the off-beat, funky characters. These characters with humorous, alliterative names are central to each story. Their imaginative thinking and creative applications confront and solve current, wide-ranging problems and difficulties seen in our world today, such as: the effects of climate change; damage to the environment; ethical issues pertaining to gender and identity. These diverse, intelligent and creative characters provide powerful role models for young readers. Their solutions to problems within human capability give a sense of hope and positivity in a current world that can sometimes fuel anxiety. What could be a better read for our young people: problem solving across curricula that is entertaining, influential, instructive and unique?”

Catherine Bloor. B.A. Dip. Ed

Secondary school teacher in humanities and English examiner

“We can confidently state that your work was found to be a most clever, entertaining and immersive read that is well suited to its intended age group. The educational element is both informative and imaginative, very well- conceived and developed, and is sure to help young readers open themselves to awareness and understanding. The Board was very pleased about the whole project, delivered through the most effective and original plot, a witty character and stunning illustrations, and how this works to deliver an enhanced appeal for young readers and parents alike. It is felt that your work will be well received and a worthy addition to our children’s collection.”

Editorial Board

International Publishing house, London

“Special stories which cover all the premises and more so well with delightful illustrations. Really informative. Definitely suitable for a wide range of ages/ learners. Makes you want more and gives one so much to think about. I am ready for the next one!”

Lorraine W.

Primary educator & Montessori Teacher & Parent .

As an Auntie I was delighted to discover Steamer Think books for my wide age- ranging nephews and nieces. I found these beautifully illustrated thought provoking books help to keep communication lines open and, after reading with them, provide an easy way of encouraging discussions in many often confronting subjects. Being able to listen to their feedback, understanding and concerns regarding topics such as bullying, trolls, fake news, sofa surfing homeless kids, different careers the older children may not have thought about doing. Referring to a fun Steamer character (instead of a personal friend) about gender issues made it easy for them to talk about subjects they had not felt able to do before.

Days after reading and having discussed homeless people, the topic theme moved to climate, growing food and then food waste. We are looking forward to reading more books in this series.

Thank you Dr M !

Jan Ewen

Brisbane, Australia